Tabula Rasa Online : Home

Here's where it gets good. You're going to be thrust into actual combat. Put what you've learned so far to good use.

Bootcamp Mission : Get That Ship Out of the Way!
You new mission leads you to blow up the dropship that is blocking the path. The dropship is past the crates you blew up. Commander Elvers gives you a mission specific item to help with your mission.

Go up to the dropship, and you will see a red marker on the side (hard to miss). Go up to it and press "T". This will place the mission item (a detonator) on the red marker. Once it's placed, it would be wise to move from that spot. Wouldn't want to risk getting blown up by your own explosive now would you?

Bootcamp Mission : Defend the Bridge

Past the dropship is a bridge. This will be the first time you encounter the Thrax Bane units directly in ths mission. You have to eliminate the Thrax Infantry. Don't worry, reinforcements come in to help you. You might want to try crouching when shooting these guys.

Once you complete the objective, go up to Commander Elvers (he should've moved up further along the path after the battle) to complete the mission. He will give you a rifle and some ammo. Rifles have increased range compared to a it will be good for sitting back and hitting mobs from far away.

Sometime soon (if not already), you will gain a new level. A new level brings you new attribute points and skill points to spend to improve your character. You can access the Attribute Panel by pressing the "P" key. There are three main stats that you can put your points into, Body, Mind, and Spirit. If you go to your Skills tab, you will be able to point points to improve your skills. Each tier or "pump" of the skills will cost more, but will make that skill better. In order to use the most powerful skill, you will need to drag the new skill tier/pump to your Ability Tray. Some skills do improve but instead give you more options. In that case you can add more than one tier/pump to the Ability Tray.

Bootcamp Mission : Carpe Diem

Your next mission takes you to a friendly base or Control Point that has been taken by Bane forces. Obviously they want you to take it back.

Here you will encounter NPCs that follow you. This is indicated by an Orange icon above the head of the NPCs attached to you.

This part is pretty straight forward. Just follow the path ahead and take out any Bane that drop in. Don't go too fast or you'll have Bane dropping on top of you or behind you. Crouching here really helps. You can also use cover, if you want. Partial cover doesn't work very well, but if you need to reload, you can hide behind a wall and then pop back out when you've reloaded.

Further up ahead, you will stumble accross an AFS Turret that has been captured by the Bane. You can shoot at it from a distance instead of using your charges to take it out. After you take the turret out, move on forward and you will encounter a red gate. A red gate means that the outpost is in enemy hands, and you need to recapture the point. There is another AFS Turret on the left side of the gate. Take it out and proceed to the red gate, but watch for Bane units.

You will run into your first Named Bane Mob, Tizzik Gi. He's not a big deal, but note that named units are stronger than their un-named counter parts and can be identified by the glow surrounding their body. Think of them as elite units.

On the right side of the gate, there will be a red marker like the marker on the dropship. Place the explosive on it and then run back. If you're lucky, you'll see the NPC beside it get hit and fly back. This brings the gate down and you can now go into the outpost to retake it.

Storm the outpost and kill any opposition. Your target is the red glowing tower in the middle of the base. That is the Control Point that allows you to capture the base. Go up to the Control Point and press the "T" key to start the capture process. Once captured, the base will be in AFS hands and the tower will glow blue. The gates will turn blue.

Once you complete the objective, find Commander Elvers in the base and complete the Mission. You will get a shotgun, and personnally, shotguns are my favorite weapons (next to rifles of course). Shotguns aren't long range, but they have a Cone of Effect that can hit multiple targets in front of you. Very effective when taking a bunch of mobs at once.

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